St. John the Divine continues to make connections with the community around us, both near and far. We work with local food banks, artists, and Ridge Meadows Hospital. We amplify the work being done nationally with Alongside Hope (formerly Primates World Relief and Development Fund {PWRDF}). There are many ways we can share the abundance we enjoy, and are always on the look out for establishing and growing relationships with others.
Each week our parish community gathers for worship. We read from the Bible, from both the Hebrew texts and the New Testament. There is music that we sing together, and we share the sacraments. We pray for the Chuch, the world, those in need, and for those who have died. We understand that we are all members of the Body of Christ, and coming together like we do helps us remember that everyone has a place, and together we are a stronger, healthier community.
The Anglican church recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Eucharist. Each of these actions was demonstrated to us by Jesus in the gospels. We feel our connection to Christ best when we engage in these sacraments.
Baptism is available to individuals of any age, and is the act which initiates a person into the household of God. If you have already been baptized in another church or denomination, we happily accept that here.
Holy Eucharist, or Communion, is the act of remembering Jesus' final meal with his closest friends. When we offer Eucharistic prayers, we're recalling that important meal, and share in the communion of Christ with Christians around the world. Both bread and wine are offered to communicants.